Poet Accounted For
Linda Varsell Smith
of writing–
novels, journals,
family poems
and weekly newsletter,
taught creative writing. life
story, children’s literature;
small press publisher of Rainbow
Communications. Fantasy lover,
she collects miniatures, angels, gnomes,
fairies, books; likes to travel, supports
writing groups, poetry contests,
literary publication,
edits Calyx,
tries memoir,
loves word
Double Etheree
Bio Fib of Linda Varsell Smith
attached to
planet. She’s
poet, novelist,
teacher. She grounds in Oregon.
Cinquo Strings Bio of Linda Varsell Smith
She teaches creative writing, children’s lit.
Twelve novels, five books of poetry are published now.
The Calyx editor collects angels, boos.
She sponsors poetry contests, workshops too.
She lives in Corvallis, Oregon with Court.
Prose Bio
Linda Varsell Smith born in 1940 in New Britain, Connecticut of full-Swedish ancestry to Helen and Roland Varsell. Graduated Conard High School in West Hartford, Connecticut in 1958, Central Connecticut State University (1961 in Elementary Education), University of Arizona (1968 Masters in Educational Psychology), Linn-Benton Community College (1981 in Printing Technology, Graphic Design and Journalism). Creative writing through Portland State Haystack workshops. Taught 5th and 6th grades in Washington and Oregon. At Linn-Benton Community College taught Poetry, Fiction, Journal Writing, Literary Publication, Life Story, In Our Own Voices and created Fooling Around With Words workshops.
She’s kept a journal since 1951, weekly Smith Family Chronicles since 1966, Grandchild Poems yearly anthologies 1990-2010. Editor at Calyx Books since 1982. President of Oregon State Poetry Association for ten years and on the board for twenty years. President of PEN Women Portland branch. Hosts monthly Mary Peak Poets. Attends meeting for children’s book writers and is a member of the critique and performance group Poetic License. Coordinates the DaVinci Days Poetry Slam, sponsors two youth writing contests with her husband Court: Fall Festival Youth Poetry Contest and the Kip Smith Writer’s Award. Sponsored Benton County Far Youth Poetry Contest and Adult Poetry Display for 25 years. On Oregon State Library committee to build the Oregon Poetry Collection. She judges poetry contests. gives workshops and readings. Owns small press Rainbow Communications.
Avid Scrabble player with English teachers and cooperative Super Scrabble with mostly poets. She collects over 2500 multi-media angels and other miniatures in her mini-museum in Corvallis, Oregon. Three times a mother and three times a grandmother.
Word-Playful Bios
of Linda Varsell Smith
writer of
poems and novels,
journals and family stories.
teacher of
creative writing
and editor for Calyx Books.
grandma lives
with collectibles
in Oregon mini-museum.